Thursday, November 13, 2008

About Me!

Posted on my Journal about some email questionnairres that I received...check them out here.

Car, loving the doll. I want to add that too my list...oh how it grows.

I am going to a knit night at my neighbor's house today. I am really excited. I was supposed to go to the LYS on Monday night, but it was my friend's Birthday party so I missed it. I am REALLY hoping I can get my Grandma's shawl done by the end of the weekend. I love it, but am SO tired of working on it knitting the same 4 rows over and over and over! Almost done! Then I can't wait to start knitting a capelet for me with my Moonlight Mohair! But I can't start something ELSE new until I am done with the shawl. I won't I won't I won't. Oh crap...I have startitis!!!!!! Help!

Theresa (we REALLY need to sign our posts girl. Anyone reading these would be SO confused!)

1 comment:

Yeager Family said...

Carli and Theresa - I'm so not crafty, but this looks pretty fun to make.